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204 Glasgow Scout Group choose to work with Scout Websites

The 204th Glasgow is a thriving Scout Group that meets at our headquarters, 12 Golf Dr Old Drumchapel in the North West of Glasgow.

27th November 2023

Established in 1959, 204 Glasgow Scouts is a long standing Scout group that serves Drumchapel Blairdardie and Knightswood and Yoker.

A primary objective for the group was to rebuild their membership numbers following Covid 19. They do this by offering varied programs of indoor and outdoor activities with a keen focus on enjoyment, fun, learning and adventure.

By using our Platform, 204 Glasgow Scouts now have the ability to utilise joining forms for both volunteers and Young People joining enquiries, which will help to assist with the recruitment of volunteers. This will help the group to develop a waiting list of members, and will expedite better time management for volunteers when developing their members.

Joining forms are linked to OSM, which means that all joining enquiries and details automatically go into their OSM profile.

The gallery and news area will support the group in enticing new members to find out more about their activities and an idea on what adventures the group participates in.

The new website has a managed parents area whereby parents can access key information and content about the group.

To see an extensive list of our Scout Group website feature, please click here