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Hertfordshire County Scouts goes live!

We’ve launched Hertfordshire County Scouts’ brand new website with extra functionality in the new Skills for Life branding.

25th July 2019
We’re pleased to announce the launch of Hertfordshire County Scouts’ brand new website in line with the new Skills for Life branding.

We’ve worked with Hertfordshire since meeting in November 2016 to discuss the design and development of their previous website.

Hertfordshire Scouts is home to over 17,800 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Network members. The website gives them a much-needed space to find out the latest news, events and look back through the gallery feature whenever they want.

The new website takes all of Hertfordshire's favourite elements from the old version and has evolved them to look better and make it more user friendly.

The new website takes all of Hertfordshire’s favourite elements from the old version and has evolved them to look better and make it more user friendly.

Because Hertfordshire is such a large County with hundreds of Groups, 18 Districts and four Activity Centres, the website itself is really content heavy.

Our various features and functionality make the website easily accessible and easy to navigate. Combined with the added functionality, the website gives the County website a whole new feel that’s sleek and practical.

Some of the everyday problems we’ve solved with the new Hertfordshire website include:

  • Connecting leaders and parents – Through functionality such as OSM programme and events integration, members areas and the ability to create and use bespoke and customisable forms, leaders can keep parents up-to-date.
  • Online bookings – Online adult training events now accept bookings via the website, minimising the work from both users booking on and taking bookings.
  • Recruitment – The Find Your Nearest Group tool allows prospective members to find their local groups, encouraging them to join. Hertfordshire have also used their website pages to advertise any leader or volunteering vacancies within the County. Our Join and Contact forms also allow potential members or parents to easily enquire about joining.
Find out more about Scout County, Region and Area websites here