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How to speed up your new website build process

If you’re thinking of getting a new Scout Website, take a look at ways in which you can help to minimise the production time and go live sooner.

15th February 2019
Upgrading your website is an invaluable investment, especially when it comes to recruiting new Scouts, keeping your group informed and publishing the latest news, events and photos – all in one place!

Our latest upgrade is streamlined, sleek and on brand with the latest Scouts rebrand but sometimes perfection takes time. So if you’re thinking of getting a new website, take a look at ways in which you can help to minimise the production time and go live sooner.

Update your current site

If all of your content is already up to date and accurate on your current site, this means that you will be spending less time sending us extra files and corrections and means we can just lift the content from the previous site over to the new one, in minutes!

Sign up to OSM if you’re integrating this into your site

Our upgraded sites have OSM integration which means that you can pull all of your events, group programmes and other information through to your website and is easily accessible to your users. This also saves you valuable time from manually inserting your events on to the page which can take a very long time if you have a busy year ahead of you.

If you sign up to OSM in the beginning or have an existing account, set your permissions to “read only” and you should be good to go!

You can even integrate your Join enquiry form into your OSM waiting list!

Keep all of our communications in one place

If you’ve already had a website from us before then you’ll know that we use an online communication system (Basecamp) that allows us to set a to-do list for new sites, and mark them off as completed as well as enabling you to attach documents (such as PDFs), images and your website content.

This means both parties can find all of the previous discussions and uploads in the section which is also easily searchable if you’re looking for a particular topic or note.

Find out more about Scout Group websites here