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Why you need to start thinking about a Scout website for next term now!

The next term is fast approaching. Make use of Summer and be prepared with a new website to solve your Scouting or Girlguiding problems.

06th August 2019
The downtime of the Summer break is the perfect chance to get prepared for next term. Put yourself in a great position when it comes to recruiting new members and volunteers and being organised for the rest of the year with a brand new website.

A website can be useful for many things, and as the leading supplier of websites for The Scouts, we make problem solving our number one priority.

Take a look at some of the reasons that you need to start thinking about getting a website for your Scouting or Girlguiding Unit, Group, District, Division, County or Activity Centre.

Boost your digital presence

Most Scout or Girlguiding Groups already have individual social media channels to keep their members and volunteers up to date. Taking your digital presence to the next level can be extremely beneficial for your Group.

Increase community awareness by using a website as the central hub for your local youngsters, and ensure all of your important information and resources are in one place.

Recruitment of members and adult volunteers

If you have an on-brand website that’s easy to use and up to date with all of your relevant information, people are more likely to be encouraged to sign up for something they know more about.

Take advantage of our bespoke joining forms to garner interest in joining your Group once your users have already been browsing your website. You can also display information on individual Sections and volunteer requirements to help aid recruitment of local members and volunteers.

Use your website to its full extent to aid recruitment of members and volunteers.

Use your website to its full extent to aid recruitment of members and volunteers.

Organise your events, galleries and news

Get prepared with your term schedule by using our events calendar to display all of the events that your members and volunteers can take part in.

You can also upload photos from previous events, outings and meetings to galleries with titles and section categories so they are easy to find.

The news section is also easy to update to inform your members and volunteers about exciting things that have recently happened or upcoming news!

Improve communication

The difficulties of communicating with your parents, members and leaders is often one of the most talked about problems when it comes to Scouting or Girlguiding.

Paperwork can get lost, people can forget about important information or dates, and things can change at the last minute.

By using all of our features mentioned above, along with extra functionality such as OSM and Google Calendar integration for awareness or tools such as buttons to upload important documents, you can make sure that your members will always be up to date.

Easily integrate your OSM events and programme with our on-brand design.

Find out more about Scout Group websites here