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Everything you need to know about WordPress

So, you’re getting a new website developed for your Scout Group, District, County, or Activity Centre? Here’s our complete guide.

21st January 2020
So, you’re thinking of getting a new website developed for your Scout or Girlguiding Group, District, County, Region or Campsite / Activity Centre? Let us tell you more about the content management system our product is built on.

What is a content management system?

A content management system is an online website application that makes it super easy for a user without technical or design knowledge to add, edit and manage a website and it’s content. Referred to as a CMS, nearly all websites are now using one as they make updating and managing a website so much easier, especially for someone without any prior experience.

Which content management system is best?

There are a huge variety of CMSs out there but if we had to pick a favourite (and we might be pretty biased here), we’d choose WordPress. We build our websites using WordPress due to its flexibility. It allows us to build our product exactly how we want it, and then enable you to edit, update and maintain it without any issues. The amount of support on the internet is huge, as 20% of all websites are built using WordPress. So if you’re ever stuck, a quick Google will reveal that someone else has had exactly the same problem before, and we also provide you with our own Guide to WordPress when your website launches.

Here are a few things that you can do with a WordPress website developed by us:

  • Create, edit and delete pages easily
  • Manage and build navigation menus using a drag-and-drop tool
  • Create multiple users with different privileges – great if you’d like Young Leaders or other Leaders to help out
  • Upload images, videos and documents to the media gallery, to use anywhere on your website
  • Add news, events, gallery photos and other items in just a few quick clicks
  • Optimise the website for search engines using page titles and meta descriptions
  • Log in from your smartphone or tablet using the WordPress app and upload content when you’re out and about
  • Benefit from website updates or new features which we can easily roll out to your Scout Group website
Find out more about Scout Group websites here