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Highcliffe Scout Group uses Scout Websites for a new website

They are a busy and active group based in Highcliffe which is located near the New Forest and coastal area.

04th December 2023

Highcliffe Scouts are a very busy group that’s run by volunteer Adult Leaders and Young Leaders, with the added support from parents and the wider community.

The Group manages a number of Sections to cover all ages including:

  • A Scout Troop
  • Squirrel Scout Drey
  • Beaver Scout Colony
  • A Cub Scout Pack
  • Nyeri Explorer Scout Unit (partnered)

Highcliffe Scouts engaged Scout Websites for the build of their new website. By utilising Scout Websites platform, they can promote each of the ‘sections’ mentioned with their own feature page. This informs parents which section is targeted towards, what individuals may get involved in, future events, and importantly, when they meet up! This information is also supported by images selected by the particular Scout group.

Once the decision has been made to join one of the groups, the website is signposted to register an interest to join the waitlist.

Find out more about Scout Group websites here