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How to encourage your members to become young entrepreneurs

Encourage your Scouts to learn entrepreneurship, innovation and leadership skills this World Entrepreneurs’ Day.

21st August 2019
Today, August 21st 2019, is World Entrepreneurs’ Day. Celebrated internationally, this day is used to ‘create awareness for entrepreneurship, innovation and leadership’.

Often, these skills are instilled in a person from a young age. From founders of businesses, to innovators, and creators, the aspirations of entrepreneurs have usually been with them since their childhood. Or, they may have been inspired a little bit later in life.

The Scout Association and Girlguiding always encourage their young members to learn leadership skills, how to be innovative and to embrace their creativity.

Take a look at how you can teach your Scouts to learn about entrepreneurship throughout the year:

Learn about local businesses in your area

Thousands of business leaders have been involved in Scouting or Girlguiding growing up and often credit the skills they built upon to being members of these organisations when they were young.

To build on the skills they’ve learnt through business-related activities, why not invite some of your local business owners to come in and talk to your members about what it’s like being an entrepreneur. You never know, a willing parent might even want to offer!

Fun fact: Scout Websites’ Managing Director, Josh Diamond, has grown up in Scouting and is still involved today as a Cub Leader outside of running his own businesses.

Work towards skill-led badges

Leadership and teamwork have long been at the heart of Scouting. Often seen as traditional skills, these core values are timeless and will always be essential for progress and growth in every part of life – personally and professionally, which is why these organisations make it a priority for young people to learn such skills.

Encourage your young members to learn leadership skills, how to be innovative and to embrace their creativity.

However, as our aspirations and society have evolved, so have the badges to reflect modern interests. More women than ever before are starting their own businesses, the gender pay gap is gradually closing and more girls are choosing STEM subjects in school, leading to more women in STEM careers. Girlguiding launched hundreds of new badges to reflect these changes including the Entrepreneur Badge.

The badge requires; picking a business role model, pitching their own business idea and finalising a business plan.

The Scouts also encourages skills required for potential entrepreneurship through badges such as; Digital Maker Badge and Media Relations and Marketing Activity Badge amongst many others. Your youngsters could even work towards the Personal Challenge Award to learn how investing in themselves can set them up for the future.

Arrange a business competition or activity

Even if you’re a leader in Scouting rather than Girlguiding, you could take inspiration from their Entrepreneur badge and replicate the activities required, for fun!

Why not hold a competition that requires your Scouts (in teams, or individually) to come up with their own business plan, requirements and present it to the rest of the Group. If it’s realistic, they could also carry out their business for a week or two to learn about the commitment and possibilities.

This would teach your Scouts responsibility, teamwork and leadership, and about having a goal to work towards. It might even encourage them to further pursue their business idea in their spare time!

How will you encourage your Scouts to learn about becoming an entrepreneur? Let us know on our Facebook or Tweet us!